Daphne's World

My Mom’s Tips for Hay Fever

Ah, springtime! So beautiful, but for some of us, it’s also the season of… hay

Delicious Eggplant Moussaka

For me, there’s nothing cozier than sitting around the table together with a steaming casserole.

How to Make a Paper Pinwheel

Do you remember them from the past, the pinwheels you folded from paper and that

Delicious Pear Crumble Cake

Craving something sweet? I’ve got the perfect recipe for you: a delicious pear crumble cake.

This is how you easily make a pom-pom

Oh, those pom-poms, I love them! But how do you make a pom-pom? They’re not

Lemon-Honey Cheesecake with Ricotta

Oh, I’ve got something delicious for you today: a lemon-honey cheesecake with ricotta. It’s light,

How to cook the perfect egg

An egg is a lovely thing… But how do you cook them? I got this

Easter biscuits with lemon fondant

Easter is almost upon us again, and we’re already getting into the spirit at home.

DIY adorable egg cups for Easter

Got leftover pieces of crepe paper lying around? Use them to make these cute egg

Valentine soap hearts

Soap hearts made with love Valentine’s Day, a nice occasion to give your loved one

Homemade thyme syrup

Thyme has been used for centuries in all kinds of herbal remedies for winter ailments.

Lavender Latte

In the evening, everything usually finally settles down a bit here at home. I like

DIY stacked up crockery

Stack up your old crockery Every time I wander through the thrift shop, I see

Winter treats for birds!

Aren’t they lovely? Anne and I made these ice creams for the birds in our

Find the 10 differences!

I love games and challenges. Can you find the 10 differences in this sweet Valentine’s